Apple iPod Mini


Apple iPod Mini

Apple iPod Mini
Apple iPod 4 GB mini M9160LL/A (Silver) OLD MODEL

Apple iPod Mini, Owner of the original Apple iPod cries out for more from the creators of the iPod music experience.

The latest iPod players on the market is available in a smaller and leaner frame and is marketed in the colors of the rainbow. This is the Apple iPod mini.

The Apple iPod mini has a platform of MAC or Windows OS. Some original Apple iPod users have already seen that the Apple iPod mini with a new four-gigabyte hard disk space for a U.S. $ 249 price tag. It's no secret that an additional $ 50 you a fifteen gigabytes iPod that would store somewhere around 2,700 more music files to get. That's a lot more than the Apple iPod mini.

This is because space is so much important for Apple iPod users have the original Apple iPod as much space available for the user of about 40 gigabytes. Can save this amount of space more than five thousand songs. Apart from the original Apple iPod also has a longer battery life.

However, critics see the scope of the Apple iPod mini. It is slim and is styled, what has it more functional and attractive in the eyes and has an ergonomic feel to the fingers. For most people, would not the ideal music player, but 99,000 or so Apple iPod mini users, they do not beg agree.

The Too Sexy Apple iPod Mini

The Apple iPod mini is compared with a $ 1,200 purse from Chanel. This is because the U.S. $ 249 Apple iPod mini, with its variety of five colors, brings class and chic.

It features an anodized aluminum and weighs approximately 3.6 grams, it measures about 2 inches in width, 3.6 cm high, and only about half an inch thick. It does not look like it at first glance, but the Apple iPod mini is almost like a featherweight than the original Apple iPod.

It is silky soft and supple. It also fits perfectly in your palm. This is the reason for the high price.

The Apple iPod mini has no external moving parts. You will notice that among the smaller 1.67-inch LCD touch-light and highly ergonomic Click Wheel. The click wheel is one that contains other controls on the Apple iPod minis. The control buttons are located on the road itself. This is quite different from the original four Apple iPod function buttons above the scroll pad.

Anyone who knows the software for the iPod for the seamless integration of iPod with iTunes. In no time you would intersect with the music.

Behaves like the Apple iPod mini is exactly as other newer generation Apple iPods. It now even packs a battery life of 8 hours. The original Apple iPods have a longer battery life.

In addition to the smaller size and the new warm minimalist choices of color, the gold, silver, pink, green and blue to be. A significant difference between the original Apple iPod and iPod mini is the space on the hard disk capacity was observed.

The Apple iPod mini has a tiny Hitachi hard drive that can hold about four gigabytes of music. Music files include AAC, Audible, MP3, WAV and AIFF. That's enough memory, a number of iPod mini users.

Apple iPod users usually prefer a complete library of music at any time of day to wear. Instead of manually selecting and transferring specific songs on the iPod mini. The Apple iPod mini can be just as much as a fraction of the 40-gigabyte music collection.

The Apple iPod mini also has accessories that the earphones, a USB 2.0 cable and a FireWire dock connector, an AC adapter, belt clip, and the Apple iPod mini software.

The Apple iPod mini would have a smooth, adding a dock or armband to teh package have.

The U.S. $ 29 Bracelet is a great help for joggers who want to hear good music while jogging and wearing very lightweight and effectively skip-free iPod mini.


In summary we can say, the Apple iPod mini has a sleek design, it is small and has built an excellent click wheel. It has a potential disadvantage for the user, however, that the price per megabyte is much higher than the original iPod.

Apple iPod


Apple iPod

Apple iPod

With the success of the Apple iPod series of Apple computers, it is no wonder that there is an Apple iPod action on the table. Apple Corps sued Apple iPod creator, Apple Computer, a break in their agreement to use its famous trademark. In March 2006, the hearing for the Apple iPod in London before the court.

For one of the loyal fans of this iconic device dismiss this Apple iPod envy, it is important to look behind the legislative history of these two companies. The iPod case is the latest lawsuit by these companies. In the early 80s, Apple Computer paid Apple Corps $ 80,000 and promised her that she was not in the music business. 1989 was another warm year between them by Apple Corps, Apple Computer to court again, this time for a music program and a microphone.

The latter paid Apple Corps another $ 26 million and, goods and services for the reproduction, sale of game, running or other delivery of music content. Apple Corps to obtain the rights of creative works with music. Your consent only prevented Apple Computer from distributing content to media such as CDs and cassettes. It is vague on the position with regard to later inventions such as digital music files, or the devices they run.

Apple iPod
Especially a trademark dispute, the Apple iPod to a long-awaited issue. Because the 1991 agreement, Apple says that they are entitled to the logo on the iPod and iTunes to use because they do not hold the rights to their music, but the digital technology to handle their distribution. What have they ever used, well within the mark on their agreement.

Apple Computer lawyer Anthony Grabiner believes they have a strong defense against Apple Corps. Meanwhile, Apple Corps, damages and demands that the company and Apple iPod manufacturer for use of the Apple logo on the iTunes Music Store and stop the advertising of the site.

Many fans think of Apple Computer products, the Apple iPod pocket some influence. There are people who have Apple just completely change their logo on all disputes filed against them in the future. visitors see this Apple iPod as an acknowledgment that Apple Computer is indeed violated their agreement with Apple Corps especially when judged by the former settlements, that the former are offered.

What this really shows Apple iPod is a warning to all companies. Trademark and copyright lawsuits can be very expensive to pay, especially if your company has just picked up business. Therefore, many companies invest heavily in market research, branding and patents. Make sure you have the copyright of your business, logos and symbols check before release to the public. Put everything to help your business in court battles evil as the Apple iPod avoided.

Joined Eddie Cue, iTunes vice president at Apple Computer in the third witness stand April 2006 to defend his company. Cue testified that the Apple computer is not in conflict with the 1991 agreement with the Apple logo on its iTunes Music Store. What they had planned, data transfer and not the original rights to the songs.

During the last event in the Apple iPod, Anthony Grabiner defended Apple the right to use the logo because they promote the iTunes Store and not the music itself, and as long as the origin of the software and download services to give, they have not breeched anything.

Apple iPod is still popular as the audio and multimedia player device on the market, despite lawsuits filed against them. Apple iPod sales will continue to grow as users and supporters more and more ways to find their iPod use in their daily lives. Of course there is disagreement. Through the experience, who can complain about is so do not complain how Apple's iPod to the needs of the consumer of its compliance efforts, they can not please everyone.

The decision for the Apple vs. Apple trademark case is unlikely for the Easter holidays. How this all ends for the Apple iPod, we will just have to wait and see.

iPod's Covers


You Gotta Love iPod's Covers!

iPods Covers
Clear Screen Protector for Apple iPod Touch 4 (4th Generation)
With the release of iPod in 2001, third party manufacturers of iPod covers and cases had sprouted, offering iPod covers in various colors for first to fifth generations of iPods, the iPod mini and the iPod nano, and the iPod shuffle.

iPod covers are created to protect or shelter the ultra sleek iPods from dust, dirt and scratches. Most iPod users buy iPod covers to protect the iPod skin that they have dressed on for their iPods.


iPod covers are usually made from cotton fabric. It may be stitched like a pouch bag or a slip on. Some third party manufactureres create plastic iPod covers, but this kind of iPod cover is not very popular.

Although iPod covers are not necessarily needed, most iPod users buy iPod covers to look fashionable with the colorful designs of their iPods.

iPods Covers
iPod covers made from fabric are washable and reusable.

1. Pouch iPod covers

Pouch iPod covers are usually made from cotton fabric. The added tie (to create a pouch) serves like a lanyard so you can slip it on your wrists whenever you are in the move.

2. Slip on iPod covers

Slip on iPod covers may come with embroidery or printed image of your favorite character in a movie or a book or even of your own face.

Lucas online arts store has some sets of Star Wars slip on iPod covers with an imprint of faces of Princess Leia, Luke Sky Walker, Darth Vader, Hans Solo, Obi Wan Kenobi and the robots. iPod covers containing scenes or faces in movies like Pirates of the Carribean or the iconic head of Hello Kitty, are offered also in the net either as hard plastic iPod cover or fabric slip on iPod cover.

3. Innovative iPod covers

Some designers offer innovative iPod covers. Like the handmade iPod cover muffs from Australia which is made from printe polyester canvas with a matching foam and polar fleece inside to keep the iPod in place.

But the most innovated iPod covers are baby's socks. These iPod covers are very cute to look at. They are offered in bold colors that is so striking to look at. These iPod covers are made from yarn knits and are also washable.


For those who wants to look techie and very modern, the metal iPod covers fit you perfectly.

Metallic iPod covers are made of aluminum, with grade of that anodized aircraft, and have designs and sizes to fit first to fifth generations of iPod and also the mini, nano and shuffle lines.

These metallic iPod covers are lighweight, and scratch-resistant, which means your iPod unit is not only protected inside, but the protective metallic iPod cover is also protected from scratches and could last for a longer time than washable iPod covers.

A lining called Neoprene holds the iPod securely in place and likewis cushions it from sudden impact.

Metallic iPod covers have cut outs to give way for dock connector pork, headphone jacks, click wheel and the hold switch, so the iPod is fully functional even though it is encased in the metallic iPod cover.

Metallic iPod covers are priced slightly higher than the fabric iPod covers. Some says that the high price is worthy considering that metallic iPod covers could last at least 100 times compared to fabric iPod covers.


For those who wish to have an elegant cover for their iPod, they should look out for fine-grain leather iPod covers.

Leather iPod covers are offered in cool tones. They have heavy-duty stitching around the edges to ensure protection for your iPod. It comes with a detachable, rotating belt clip or lanyard.

Apple, in 2006, came up with their own line of iPod covers. Apple's iPod covers are made from italian, fine-grain leather, and are clearly aimed for the high-end market. Apple's leather iPod covers has cutout to give access to to important features of the iPod such as the ports for the dock connector and the headphones, and also the click wheel.

Leather iPod covers are costly. They are priced more than half of the price of polyester or fabric made pouch, slip on or baby socks iPod covers.